Cristina Kristal Rizzo

Monumentum DA

The Monumentum project started in 2022 and has already seen the crea-
tion of a solo performed by Megumi Eda produced by Torino Danza Festival in collaboration with Lugano Dance Project and of a creation for an ensemble, winning project of the Abitante call supported by the National Dance Produc-
tion Center Virgilio Sieni and by CR Foundation of Florence.

Monumentum stands for: memory, document, sign of recognition, that co-
mes from the past. Something that lingers and that, stopping the continuous progression of the production of flow, moves into the depths of temporal ana-
Monumentum therefore continues by multiplying its views, along the thread of the choreography and in this new stage makes use of the presence and
interpretation of Diana Anselmo, bilingual deaf performer in Italian and LIS
and activist/co-fonder of the Al.Di.Qua.Artists association.

Monumentum DA is a dedication to the singularity of Diana Anselmo, the
creation takes the form of a story, a movement from the body to the body, which
intends to amplify and give space to the intrinsic possibilities of sign language, a language that has been made foreign and alien by the processes of phono cen-
tric power, processes that have attempted to abolish it over the history, a living, corporeal, human language, which does not speak of margins but of new forms.

The LIS and Diana’s body are an archive of documents in continuous tran-
sformation, linguistic monuments in which the politics of a body merge into a vital impulse in an attempt to open other levels of memory and reconnect to hi-
story. The work is accessible to all, containing in its form the possibility of being enjoyed by a hearing audience and a deaf audience. It is therefore a que-
stion of reconsidering the expressive potential of bodies and opening a space in which diversity is a pure resource in relation to the shared imagination of a
momentary community.

By Cristina Kristal Rizzo and Diana Anselmo
Choreography: Cristina Kristal Rizzo
Performance: Diana Anselmo and Cristina Kristal Rizzo
Text curated by: Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Diana Anselmo and Laura Pante on writings from Yvonne Rainer, John Cage, Simone Weil, Ilya Kaminsky and CKR
Theoretical support: Laura Pante, Sergio Lo Gatto
Production: Fuorimargine Centro di Produzione di danza e Arti Performative della Sardegna and TIR Danza
With the support of: MilanOltre Festival e Oriente Occidente
Artistic residencies: PARC – Performing Arts Research Centre, Kilowatt, Armunia.


+39 333 343 4144

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via Cornalias 24, Cagliari 09121
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